Saturday, January 28, 2012

Israel: "There must be no compromise about Judea and Samaria" By Leila Paul

... at Night, Red Sea, Eilat, Israel
January 28, 2012

Testimony from a Palestinian

T. Belman. This was a comment made to the post on borders (see below) from yesterday. It was worth posting.
By Leila Paul

Borders? Very simple issue. What was initially promised to Israel by the Allied Powers – all of what is called historical Palestine.

By negotiating borders Israel is showing weakness and half acknowledging the terrorists have rights. They do not. It’s the weakness of soft, leftist Jews who have allowed this to go on so long that people no longer understand Israel’s legal rights and that successive Israeli governments have been weak in enforcing Israel’s rights to Judea, Samaria and – in my opinion – even into the ancient Abrahamic homeland of Mesopotamia. So at minimum, there must be zero – no compromise – discussions about Judea and Samaria.

I was born at a time when Palestine was a legitimate legal entity only from 1922 to 1948 under the British mandate. My ancestry goes back at least five generation of Bethlehem Palestinian Christians but I openly acknowledge the deceit and treachery of what happened in Judea and Samaria.

After I’d broken away from my indoctrination and did independent research I was astounded at Israel’s weakness in enforcing its rights and its obligations to enforce those rights.

Do leftist Israelis have a Messiah complex? Does each one think he/she is the peace-preaching Messiah? Because any Jew who waits for permission from anti-Semites to defend against anti-Semites is suicidal. I know so-called Palestinians intimately. The vast majority are incapable of compromise or of respect for the true nature of any Abrahamic belief system.

Palestinians are a fraud and ride the coat tails of both the Judeo-Christian heritage and have manipulated anti-Semistism to advance their far more dangerous plots than any previous pogroms and the Holocaust.

No to compromise for it is a step toward the disintegration of Israel.

I speak from personal experience and I know first-hand the terrorists’ goals as they tried to recruit me repeatedly while I still believed in the Palestinian identity and its propaganda.

The Christians who stayed behind have made deals with the Islamist PA and Hamas to give them credibility in their claims against Israel while they’ve stolen the houses and land of the Christians and others who left or got real estate at huge discounted prices from those desperate to flee the wars.

Those Christians there today have fabricated an entire narrative which must be analyzed and reviewed with skepticism. Those who were peaceful left – while those hoping to capitalize and make deals with whoever comes out supreme are of highly suspect motives and identity. Many claim to have been there for 500 years yet none of them can produce documents for that would have put them under Ottoman rule who would not have kept credible records. Anybody can claim to be a Palestinian today and claim they’ve been there for hundreds of years. No proof! I can prove ancestry for two generations prior to my great grandparents, but that’s it.

The Ottoman Turks were horrendously abusive of those on the land under Turkish occupation and they conscripted into sure death those who stayed in the land of Judea, Samaria or Israel. Most of the Christians who had been there for generations left during the brutal Ottoman rule and most are in South America, the Caribbean or North America.

Without Israeli education, culture, sanitation and the democratic ideals they’ve observed most of the Arabs who lived there before 1948 would have died of disease, starvation or treachery of one another.

How Palestinians can claim to be killed like “fish in a barrel” by Israelis while they multiply in huge numbers is itself an astonishing claim and should be analyzed. Further, if Palestine ceased to exist after 1948 and did not exist as a national entity before 1922 – then nobody today is a Palestinian. I am a former Palestinian for that citizenship ceased to exist in 1948. My children most certainly cannot inherit a non-existent legal identity – so there are no Palestinians today only those who are old enough to legitimately claim they once were Palestinians between 1922 and 1948.

All the others are frauds.

I have – with my own ears – heard the seething hatred of those who call themselves palestinian and yet even if the numbers they quote in 1948 were remotely accurate how can they possibly claim to be so many millions today? No one verifies who was born there and for how many generations their ancestors were there. Only the naive or those who want to believe the worst about Israel and Jews would accept that fraudulent identity of Palestinians.

Islamism is not indigenous to the area while Judaism and Christianity are, so those who profess to be Islamist Palestinians are even greater deceivers. As for many of the Christians, a few may be descended of the ancient Hellenist Judeans who converted to Christianity following the time of Christ and many are likely pilgrims from European or middle eastern countries.

Posted by Ted Belman @ 1:37 pm | - Israpundit

By Ted Belman

Israel orally presented its ideas on borders at the last meeting in Jordan,
    The borders presented by Molcho are similar to the route of the separation fence, which was constructed in such a way that most of the major ‘settlement blocs’ remained on the western side of the fence. This includes Gush Etzion, Ma’aleh Adumim, Beitar Illit, Kiryat Sefer and Alfei Menashe. Israel insists that Ariel also be included as part of Israeli territory in a permanent status agreement with the PA. In the past the PA has consistently rejected having the border be determined based the separation fence.
When Kadima was negotiating borders, it started out by demanding these borders and experienced great resistance to Israel retaining Ariel and Maaleh Adumin. As I recall if Israel agreed to give up these settlements, about 125,000 Jews would have to be transferred. But if these towns were included then 50,000 would have to be removed. These numbers are rough numbers.

Posted by Ted Belman @ 3:55 pm